Artist. Animator. Game Dev

Jermaine Leslie @CartoonCoffee

Age 32, Male

Eden, swf.

Joined on 9/24/05

Exp Points:
1,450 / 1,600
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5.41 votes
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CartoonCoffee's News

Posted by CartoonCoffee - June 2nd, 2020

Hey everyone!

If you're interested in hack and slash action games, I've launched a free demo of my new game on steam! Check it out, and if you enjoy it please wishlist it. That really helps me out a lot.

Attack. Dodge. And Charge Up in Charge Blade Hero!

Wishlist and download the demo now!



Posted by CartoonCoffee - September 22nd, 2019

I'm currently making an action, hack n' slash, arena game. And I'm looking for some great original music to accompany it. If you think you have the skills to help out, send me a message and we can talk details.



Posted by CartoonCoffee - August 19th, 2019


I'm looking to get some feedback on my game project.

It's an Action, Hack n' Slash, Arena style game. So lots of action with wave based combat.

The gameplay is there, but the story, music, and art is not. If anyone is interested in helping me out and giving feedback just leave a comment or send me a PM.

Bonus Points for anyone who is willing to record their play session. (A bit like a 'let's play' style.)

Some of the game looks like this.


But most of it looks like this.



Posted by CartoonCoffee - September 9th, 2018

Coming from an art background code naturally terrified me. I've always been interested in learning it to make games, but got far too intimidated to do so.

I've recently decided to finally take the plunge and really try and give learning code a shot! But I think I might need some help...

I'm interested in learning C# with unity specifically.

I understand some basic concepts, and can even read and write some simple code now. But I still will have tons of 'dumb' questions without a doubt.

If anyone is willing to help me finally conquer this life long battle of mine please hit me up!

We can work out some sort of arrangement for payment. Whether is monetary or an old fashion skill for skill trade!

Posted by CartoonCoffee - September 26th, 2016

So here's the deal...

I'm an artist and animator looking for a programmer to help me create a 2D action rogue-lite. I have over 12 years of animation experience and over 3 years of game art experience. I already have some art and animations made for the game as well as a functioning prototype. All I need is a passionate,knowledgeable, and self motivated programmer to help me take this thing to the finish line.

Here's a small list of things I'm looking for:

  • Willingness to work under a rev share payment model.
  • If you're a self starter with a passion for game programming.
  • Knowledge of C# and experience in Unity.
  • Knowledge or interest in Action games such as hack n' slash, beat em' up and fighting games.
  • Knowledge and familiarity with git and how to set it up.
  • If you're okay with working on a project that may take a year to complete.

*Knowledge of shaders, ai, and level design is a HUGE bonus

The game currently looks something like this.


If you're interested in the position please email me at contact@edenbluethegame.com

Thanks for reading,


Posted by CartoonCoffee - May 10th, 2016



So let's talk about Eden Blue. Eden was an animated series I was making back in 2013, adapting the series into a video game has been my main focus since mid 2014. I've never been part of a game development team before, and I've got to say I learned a lot! All I really knew at the time was 2d character animation, and a game needs MUCH more than that to become a fully fleshed out experience. There have been a lot of stumbling blocks along the way, mostly due to my own inexperience. From figuring out how to optimize sprite sheets, to changing game engines, to learning new software, to learning painting techniques, and so on, it has been quite a wild ride! But adapting the series into a game has been by far the most interesting and challenging part of this for me. With animation, telling a story through dialogue and character actions while having control of the pacing of it all was something I was still learning, but was far more comfortable with. Now that player control is a factor, getting the "audience" or player to feel and react to certain moments as I would like requires a lot more thought, at least a way of thinking I was not familiar with before. The player now becomes the character, being put in their shoes now means I have to generate sincere emotion in the player, whether that's excitement, happiness, fear, or whatever, it has to come from the player themselves. Relying on my old tricks of trying to pull out empathy from the audience has been mostly removed from my toolkit, which has been a fun an interesting challenge. It really forced me to dig deep and think about what I want the player to feel, and what makes this world I'm creating so unique at pulling that feeling out. Seeing my friends play the game and getting feedback from some great people like @Gianni and @Paxilon, I think I'm now closer than ever to getting that juice that I've been looking for. I really couldn't of made it this far without their support. Also thank you to everyone who donated to the game's development so far! Every bit of it helped get the game to where it is now.




So far the development team behind Eden Blue has been just two people, @glitchs2d doing all the code, and myself handling all the art and animation. It's worked out well so far, but with more experience and a clear vision, we are looking to expand the team one more member. We are looking for another skilled programmer to help speed up development. I'm hoping to make a more formal post about that soon, this was more of an update post. Thanks for reading, here's some more gifs!





Posted by CartoonCoffee - December 8th, 2015

Hey Newgrounds, 

Team Eden is looking for a 2nd programmer to join the team! If you’re a programmer or know of one check out the project, share it, and apply if interested. Some more information on the game itself can be found here www.edenbluethegame.com



Posted by CartoonCoffee - October 3rd, 2015





You've might of heard whispers of there being a game in the works, here's the first official announcement of Eden Blue.



Eden was first an animated series I was working on for Newgrounds back in 2013. Since that time the world of Eden grew much bigger than I've initially anticipated. What started out as a small project to help relieve my mind of the pressures of life, turned into a meaningful project for more than just myself. It became clear that this is a project that deserved my full attention. Although having a deep passion for animation, I feel that storytelling and crafting experiences for others to enjoy is what really fuels my drive to create. This is why I've decided to make Eden into a game, and discontinued the animated series. I think I'll be able to create a much more immersive experience with a game. I've always been interested in game mechanics, but creating one always seemed like a pipe dream, and with the scope I have planned for Eden Blue it may still be. Eden Blue is a very ambitious project, probably my most ambitious one yet. We've been in development on this project for well over a year now, but progress has been slow. The dev team behind Eden Blue is just me, and @glitchs2d . I'm handling all the visuals of Eden Blue, while he takes care of all the programming. We're currently both working day jobs, and it's severely been slowing down production. We don't currently have a release date for Eden Blue, but with your help we might be able to push this project into high gear. Funding the base game will come first. Even though we have art and programming covered, we still need to purchase things like music, sound design, licenses, voice actors, and many other things to bring this world to life. We will be releasing many more videos talking about Eden Blue and all it's features. If this looks like a project you think you might be interested in, please consider donating or sharing the word. Any amount helps a lot.




Q. Why not launch a kickstarter?

A. In the past I feel like kickstarter would of been a great platform for a project like this, but in my opinion as kickstarter is today, a project like this wouldn't do as well. We also would like to focus our time and efforts into game development, and launching a kickstarter is a huge undertaking. We don't have a lot of free time as it stands now, so starting a kickstarter would set us back possibly months behind in development. Donating to the site directly supports development of this game, nothing more, nothing less.

Posted by CartoonCoffee - December 1st, 2014

Peppersweet is a new mini series I'll be making inbetween my work on Eden. They are short stories that peeks into the lives of Calvin Sweet and Holly Pepper. You can check out the pilot episode here on Newgrounds, or on Youtube if you prefer.

Enjoy the holidays Newgrounds!



Posted by CartoonCoffee - August 1st, 2014

NATA was a real eye opener for me. I'm so glad I participated this year. All the NATA participants were amazing, and I'm honored to have been able to talk and animate along side them. But I realised that I have a lot of growing to do as an animator, and I've gotten too comfortable with my current skill set. This past year I spent more time searching for an art style rather than actually practicing the one thing I really love to do, animation. So I'm going to get back into some serious studying. I'm hoping to add a few new tricks to my tool kit by the end of this. I'm planning on dedicating at least a couple months to this study, so you may not see too many animations from me during that time.

Anyway, here's some of my studies from day 1 -  Drawing in poses I'm not comfortable with.
Some of these were a success, some were not, but I learned from all of them


P.S - Female figures are just more fun to draw.